We have been dedicated to actualizing our philosophy and the activities include production of raw materials for environmentally-friendly detergent, cutting-edge IT products, construction of cozy residential spaces and social infrastructure such as roads and plants, and development of new medicines. Having introduced the CI(Corporate Identity) in 1996 and set up group management system, ISU Group has been continuously growing to become a global business group. Also, we have successfully completed business diversification by expanding business area to future growth industries such as IT, bio, finance, etc.
ISU group also has strengthened the competitiveness of each business sector through consistent quality management, management innovation and development of future-oriented high value-added products, enabling us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with global companies in overseas market as well at home.
We operate worldwide through a global network with local branches and subsidiaries in Europe, North America, Latin America and Africa, etc., exploring new business opportunities.
ISU Group started considering the holding company structure in 2001 when the Group vision was established. Particularly, ISU Group got down to work out its plan, as necessity for and interests in the transparent management and the holding company system increased rapidly.
ISU Corporation, currently, considers embarking on profitable projects on its own in addition to the management of the invested assets and shares of the subsidiaries. Further, ISU Corporation practices Economy of Scale by jointly conducting activities that are common to the subsidiaries such as training, PR activities, 6 Sigma and TOP management reform activities, etc.
ISU Family