CSR Performances

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Businesses that create value by using social capital are required to contribute to resolving social issues apart from generating economic profits. The recent demand for corporate social contribution activities is beyond providing simple support but toward resolving local community issues, which allows businesses to strengthen their social capital

Our Approach

ISU PETASYS strives for social contribution by utilizing its capabilities based on the understanding of local communities. The company pays attention to social issues that are caused by social phenomenon such as aging society and polarization, and engages in small-scale but practical activities

Management System

ISU PETASYS strives to realize the value of social contribution that benefits participants as well as beneficiaries by encouraging participatory volunteer activities, not just making donation, among employees. As a company leading Daegu along with the local community, ISU PETASYS is fulfilling its roles and improving its corporate image, creating synergies between the local community and the company.

Framework and Goals

ISU PETASYS has established the ‘Standards for the Management of Social Contribution Activities’ to increase the effects of participation in local communities and maintain the socially responsible activities. The standards present how to conduct contribution activities with the goal of achieving mutual growth with local communities and fulfilling the social responsibility through sharing and specify the ranges and goals of activities to consolidate the system for sustainability.

Key Programs

Dalseong Healthy maps

Housework support

Hope Experience School

‘Vision School’ with tuition fees supported

Yonghocheon Cleanup Project

Year-end donation activities